In 1883 our founder B. Angus Hyde, set out to find his fame and fortune in the west. Being a baker by trade, he sought to develop a recipe for a cookie that cowboys and other country folk could enjoy. Since uniformity was big in those days, he needed one that would come out to look, smell and taste the same each time. Well, after going through many piles of potential ingredients, he finally stumbled into the combination we know today as “cow chips”. The uniqueness of what he had found stuck with him and soon they could be seen by the dozens around the homes of his neighboring friends and relatives. Now over a hundred years later, after carefully retracing his footsteps we bring you his famous recipe of success, virtually unchanged from the day he ran across it.
Our modern day production line gets a steady diet of only the finest ingredients fresh from the fields of The Butter Creek Farm. These ingredients are all combined in this time tested, four phase system to give our product a consistency that can be achieved through no other process. Finally each cookie acquires its own unique character and may vary in size and shape as they are drop formed at the tail end of our process. Heap it all together and we’re sure you’ll agree; it’s the best cookie ever digested.
We here at The Butter Creek Farm thank you for your patronage and humbly ask for your continued support; so that our profits might pile up as quickly as our product.
P.S. When industry insiders caught wind of what we were doing they told us that due to the heavy loads placed upon a venture of this type we should stick close to home and watch our step in the field. But because of the uniqueness of our product we have decided to jump in with both feet and spread our chips across the land.
“Cow Chips” The Original Drop Cookie